The first wedding photos can be attributed to 1840, it is the famous photo of the wedding of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. This momentous event occurred after 14 years, when in 1826, Joseph Nicephore Neeps invented the first art form.
In 40-th years of XIX century, photography was already recognized as a kind of fine art, that led to development of the idea of a staged photo at wedding ceremonies. By the way, extant elegant photos were not made DURING the ceremony, but before or after it. A posing pair dressed in beautiful suits (not always the ones that were used during the ceremony) and appeared before the photographer. Only in the late 60-ies of the XIX century, the couple began to be photographed directly on the ceremonies and in wedding dresses. Despite the fact that wedding photos almost had no commercial character, limited in means couple didn't invite the photographer to capture the celebration. Pixels Production Studio offers you services of event photographers in Dubai.
In the early XIX century, photography was a complicated process. To obtain a unique (and therefore unique) black and white photo-print in the form of a glass (usually copper or tin) plate, posing had to stand immovable for more than a minute. The invention of paper (and as a consequence, albums) occurred much later, in 1887, it appeared due to the development of Mr. Green. Because of imperfections of technology and technical nuances of cumbersome equipment, the photographing was exclusively in studio decorations.
XX century gifted the genre of the wedding photography the technology of colour print. The colours on the first colour photos faded quickly, causing mistrust of professionals. Fortunately, technical progress rather quickly led to the emergence of a compact flash, new colour films and methods of their manifestation.
Until the end of the Second World War, the wedding photography did not leave a studio. Change of manners and the search for new ways of earnings pushed the “masters of a photogene” on tips and tricks: wedding photographer was appearing at the event, armed with a film reel, was doing photos and after their manufacturing was trying to sell the honorees of the ceremony and guests. Quality of shooting of portable cameras was quite low, so photographers often carried on themselves professional equipment for creating the atmosphere of a salon.